DeskLib 2.90a:ColourTran.h


Introduction and Overview

This header defines several functions which are veneers for some of the SWIs provided by the ColourTrans module.



os_error * ColourTrans_SetGCOL(int palette, int flag, int gcol);

This works out the closest available GCOL to a given palette entry, and sets it.

The palette entry (passed in 'palette') is in the form 0xBBGGRR00, where B is the blue component, G green, and R red. The flags you are allowed to set are bit 7 to set the background colour, and bit 8 to use dithering. 'gcol' is the GCOL action to set.


os_error * ColourTrans_InvalidateCache(void );

This function informs the ColourTrans module that the palette has changed since the last ColourTrans call. Colour changes due to mode changes are automatically dealt with.


os_error * ColourTrans_SelectTable(int src_mode, int *src_pal, int dst_mode, int *dst_pal, char *table);

This function sets up a translation table in a buffer for the given source and destination modes and palettes.

Mode and palette parameters may be -1 to use the current values.


os_error * ColourTrans_ReturnFontColours(colourtrans_fontblock *fontcols);

This function finds the maximum range of colours which can be sensibly used for anti-aliasing a font. For the given palette entries, it finds the best fit in the current palette and then determines the maximum amount of anti-aliasing up to the limit passed in fontcols->max.

If anti-aliasing is desired set fontcols->max to 14, otherwise set it to 0. fontcols->font should be set to the font handle, or the current font.


int ColourTrans_ReturnColourNumberForMode(int palette, int mode, int *pal);

This function returns the closest possible colour number for the given palette entry 'palette', mode 'mode' and palette 'pal'.

'mode' may be -1 for the current mode and 'pal' may be -1 for the current palette or 0 for the default palette.

It returns -1 to indicate an error.


os_error * ColourTrans_SetFontColours(font_handle font, unsigned int background, unsigned int foreground, int offset);



typedef struct
int font;
int back;
int fore;
int max;

} colourtrans_fontblock;

Holds the information needed for the ColourTrans_ReturnFontColours function, namely the font handle, background colour, foreground colour and the maximum colour offset.