DeskLib 2.90a:Coord.h


Introduction and Overview

This header defines functions for handling points and rectangles, such as whether a point is inside a given rectangle, or to convert from work area coordinates to screen coordinates.

"Screen Coordinates" refers to OS coordinates, with the bottom left corner of the screen being placed at the screen origin (0,0). "Work Area Coordinates" refers to Coordinates within the Window's work area, where the (0,0) origin is at the TOP left of the work area.



BOOL Coord_PointInRect(wimp_point *point, wimp_rect *rect);

This function tests whether the point in 'point' is within the rectangle given by 'rect'. If the point lies on the line it's counted in (just like in tennis).


BOOL Coord_RectContained(wimp_rect *InsideRect, wimp_rect *OutsideRect);

This function tests whether the InsideRect is entirely within the OutsideRect. Shared edges and vertices are considered to be inside.


BOOL Coord_RectsOverlap(wimp_rect *rect1, wimp_rect *rect2);

Checks to see if two rectangles overlap each other in any way, including containment.


void Coord_WindowOrigin(wimp_point *origin, convert_block *convert);

The function puts the screen coordinates of the origin (that is the top left) of the window's work area into 'origin'.

This can then be used as a redraw-origin for redraws - any drawing done relative to this origin will appear at the correct screen position regardless of scroll-bar offsets and screen position of the window.

Remember to call this at the start of each redraw - whenever the window is moved or scrolled, the position of this origin will change so it must be recalculated.


void Coord_PointToScreen(wimp_point *point, convert_block *convert);

This function converts the point 'point' in work area coordinates into screen coordinates.


void Coord_RectToScreen(wimp_rect *rect, convert_block *convert);

This function converts the rectangle 'rect' in work area coordinates into screen coordinates.


void Coord_PointToWorkArea(wimp_point *point, convert_block *convert);

This function converts the point 'point' in screen coordinates into one in work area coordinates.


void Coord_RectToWorkArea(wimp_rect *rect, convert_block *convert);

This function converts the rectangle 'rect' in screen coordinates into one in work area coordinates.


void Coord_RectUnion(wimp_rect *dest, wimp_rect *src1, wimp_rect *src2);

This function finds the union of two rectangles, src1 and src2, and returns it in dest. Any of src1, src2 or dest can be the same pointer.

Function-like macros


#define Coord_RectsIntersect(r1, r2) (Coord_RectsOverlap(r1, r2) && \
                                     !Coord_RectContained(r1, r2) && \
                                     !Coord_RectContained(r2, r1))

MACRO: BOOL Coord_RectsIntersect(wimp_rect *rect1, wimp_rect *rect2)

A macro to check if two wimp_rect rectangles intersect. It gives TRUE if the rectangles intersect but do not contain each other and FALSE otherwise. This is unlike Coord_RectsOverlap in that the boundaries of the rectanlges must overlap for it to return TRUE.


#define Coord_XToScreen(X, C) \
            (((X) - (C)->scroll.x) + (C)->screenrect.min.x)

MACRO: int Coord_XToScreen(int xpos, convert_block *convert)

This takes an x work area coordinate and a pointer to a convert block and converts the work area coordinate into a screen coordinate.


#define Coord_YToScreen(Y, C) \
        ( ((Y) - (C)->scroll.y) + (C)->screenrect.max.y )

MACRO: int Coord_YToScreen(int ypos, convert_block *convert)

This takes a y work area coordinate and a pointer to a convert block and converts the work area coordinate into a screen coordinate.


#define Coord_XToWorkArea(X, C) (((X)-(C)->screenrect.min.x)+(C)->scroll.x)

MACRO: int Coord_XToWorkArea(int xpos, convert_block *convert)

This function takes an x screen coordinate and a pointer to a convert block and converts the screen coordinate into a work area coordinate.


#define Coord_YToWorkArea(Y, C) (((Y)-(C)->screenrect.max.y)+(C)->scroll.y)

MACRO: int Coord_YToWorkArea(int ypos, convert_block *convert)

This function takes an y screen coordinate and a pointer to a convert block and converts the screen coordinate into a work area coordinate.



typedef struct
wimp_rect screenrect;
wimp_point scroll;

} convert_block;

Holds information about the position of a window and its scroll bars. It is used to provide the information needed to convert between work area and screen coordinates.