DeskLib 2.90a:Dialog.h


Introduction and Overview

A dialogue box is a window that is popped open to get user choices and then goes away - they can act like menus (go away when you click outside them) if opened with Dialog_Show, or can be permanent windows if you open them using Dialog_ShowStatic.

This code is intended to simplify popping up such dialogs, as it handles opening, closing and simple processing of the window for you.

Note that the Dialog functions make use of the Template and Event sublibraries, so these should be initialised properly and a suitable template file loaded before using these functions.



dialog Dialog_Create(const char *template_name, int maxtitlesize);

This function creates (but does not show) a dialogue box from the template whose name is given. The maxtitlesize is the maximum space to reserve for the title bar text of the dialogue box, or template_TITLEDEFAULT or template_TITLEMIN.

It returns the newly created dialogue box, or NULL if it was not possible to create the dialogue.

Possible errors are: Out of memory; Could not find window template


void Dialog_Destroy(dialog d);

This function removes the dialogue box whose handle is given, both from display and memory. The handle is then completely invalid, and must not be used with Dialog functions (except Dialog_Create of course).


void Dialog_Show(dialog d);

This function shows the dialogue box whose handle is given in the centre of the screen. It is opened as a transient dialogue box, ie. it will disappear if you click outside it or press Escape.


void Dialog_ShowAt(dialog d, int x, int y);

This function shows the dialogue box whose handle is given with the top left of the window at the position specified. It is opened as a transient dialogue box, ie. it will disappear if you click outside it or press Escape.


void Dialog_ShowStatic(dialog d, window_openpos openpos);

This function shows the dialogue box whose handle is given as a static dialogue box - it only closes if the close icon is clicked or if the application closes it. The opening position is specified by 'openpos' (see Window.h for window_openpos information)


void Dialog_Hide(dialog d);

This hides the given dialogue box by closing the window, but does not destroy it. It can be reopened with Dialog_Show, for instance.


int Dialog_WaitForClick(dialog d);

This waits for an icon to be clicked in the dialogue box, returning the icon handle of the icon clicked, or dialog_CLOSE if the user closed the window.

It continues to process events while it waits using Event_Poll.

Function-like macros


#define Dialog_WindowHandle(d) ((d)->window)

MACRO: window_handle Dialog_WindowHandle(dialog d)

This returns the window handle for the dialogue box window. This allows filling in of fields using, eg. DeskLib's 'Icon' sublibrary.


#define Dialog_Persist(D) ((D)->state.persist && (D)->lastclicked >= 0)

MACRO: BOOL Dialog_Persist(dialog d);

This checks to see if the user wants the dialogue box to remain open after a click, ie. if they clicked with the adjust button.


#define Dialog_LastClicked(D) ((D)->lastclicked)

MACRO: icon_handle Dialog_LastClicked(dialog d);

This returns the icon number of the last icon that was clicked in the given dialogue box. If no icons have been clicked, it returns dialog_NOCHOICE.


#define Dialog_StillOpen(D) ((D)->state.stillopen)

MACRO: BOOL Dialog_StillOpen(dialog d)

This returns TRUE if the dialogue box is open, FALSE otherwise.



#define dialog_CLOSE    ((icon_handle) -1)

This is returned by Dialog_WaitForClick when the dialogue box is closed by clicking outside the window or clicking on a close icon.


#define dialog_NOCHOICE ((icon_handle) -2)

This is returned by Dialog_LastClicked when the user has not yet done anything (ie. the window is open but no icons have been clicked)



typedef struct
window_handle window;
icon_handle lastclicked;
button_state button;
unsigned int stillopen : 1;
unsigned int persist : 1;
unsigned int isstatic : 1;

} state;

} dialog_record;

Holds information about a particular dialogue box.

'window' is the window_handle of the dialogue box. 'lastclicked' is the icon handle of the last icon that was clicked, or dialog_NOCHOICE if no icons have been clicked. 'button' is the button state for the last click event.

The 'state' struct holds the state of the dialogue - whether it is stil open, if it should persist because adjust was clicked and whether it is a static (permanent) dialogue.


typedef dialog_record *dialog;

The usual type passed to Dialog functions - a pointer to information about a particular dialogue box.