DeskLib 2.90a:Handler.h


Introduction and Overview

These are default (and example) handler functions for you to use with the Event and EventMsg libraries.

These are essentially examples of how to write handlers and so are not designed with peak efficiency in mind. Read the information about the handlers carefully before use.



BOOL Handler_CloseWindow(event_pollblock *event, void *reference);

Simply calls Wimp_CloseWindow()


BOOL Handler_DeleteWindow(event_pollblock *event, void *reference);

Alternate handler to Handler_Close, which calls the higher-level Window_Delete() to close and delete the window, release memory, and remove all handlers attached to the window.


BOOL Handler_OpenWindow(event_pollblock *event, void *reference);

Simply calls Wimp_OpenWindow()


BOOL Handler_NullRedraw(event_pollblock *event, void *reference);

Supplies a NULL redraw loop (gets rectangles from the WIMP until all rectangles have been "redrawn"). Doesn't actually do any drawing though.


BOOL Handler_ClickOK(event_pollblock *event, void *reference);

Handler for non-menu clicks on "OK" or "Cancel" (3d) type buttons (Indents the button, waits for 1/3 second, and un-indents the button)


BOOL Handler_Key(event_pollblock *event, void *reference);

Handler for unprocessed key events. Calls Wimp_ProcessKey to pass the code on to other tasks.


BOOL Handler_ModeChange(event_pollblock *event, void *reference);

This is a handler for mode change events. It calls Screen_CacheModeInfo() every time the screen mode changes, guaranteeing that the screen variables are always correct (You must call Screen_CacheModeInfo() once during initialisation for this to work).

If you have called Template_UseOutlineFonts() and the screen resolution has changed in such a way as to necessitate it, it also calls Window_ModeChange to fix all your icons which use outline fonts (otherwise, they often become the wrong size upon a mode change).

(Note that this won't have a very useful effect unless you use Template and Window functions to create all your windows - in fact, such windows will no longer 'own' the fonts they are using, and these fonts may disappear or change at random in the future - so DON'T use this function unless ALL your windows were created with Window_Create.

eg. EventMsg_Claim(message_MODECHANGE, event_any, Handler_ModeChange, NULL);


BOOL Handler_DragNULL(event_pollblock *event, void *reference);

This is used by the Drag sublibrary.

DragNULL is called on NULL events to allow drag updates (redraw of a selection as it is dragged, for example). It calls the drag handler registered with Drag_SetHandlers() on each NULL it recieves.


BOOL Handler_DragFinish(event_pollblock *event, void *reference);

This is used by the Drag sublibrary.

DragFinish is called on a USERDRAG event (drag has finished) to tidy up at the end of a drag (Complete a selection, or save a file, etc). This calls the Drag-Completed handler registered with Drag_SetHandlers and also resets the drag handlers (as no drag is now in progress)


BOOL Handler_HatchRedraw(event_pollblock *event, void *reference);

Hatch the work area of a window. Useful when testing a program before you get round to writing your own redraw routines so you can see that something is happening.