DeskLib 2.90a:LinkList.h


Introduction and Overview

This library provides support for a simple linked list structure.

You supply an anchor for the list (a variable of type linklist_header) which is used to record the start and end of the list. The list itself is made up of structures you define yourself which have a linklist_header as their first member.

To insert items into the list, you must allocate memory for one of your own list elements, and then call the appropriate LinkList function to add it to the list. To delete it, you call the LinkList_Unlink function to remove it from the list, and then free it as you normally would.



void LinkList_AddToHead(linklist_header *anchor, linklist_header *item);

This inserts the given item at the head of the list whose anchor is given.


void LinkList_AddToTail(linklist_header *anchor, linklist_header *item);

This inserts the given item at the end of the list whose anchor is given.


void LinkList_InsertBefore(linklist_header *anchor, linklist_header *pos, linklist_header *item);

This inserts the given item *before* the item 'pos' in the list whose anchor is given.


void LinkList_InsertAfter(linklist_header *anchor, linklist_header *pos, linklist_header *item);

This inserts the given item *after* the item 'pos' in the list whose anchor is given.


BOOL LinkList_InList(linklist_header *anchor, linklist_header *item);

This returns TRUE if the given item is currently in the list whose anchor is given. This only checks the pointers to items, not the contents. If you want to check the contents you must chain through the list yourself.


int LinkList_ListLength(linklist_header *anchor);

This counts and returns the number of items in the given linked list. If you need this value a lot, you should probably store the size and update it as you go, or modify the LinkList code to store do it for you.


void LinkList_Unlink(linklist_header *anchor, linklist_header *item);

This unlinks (removes) the item from the given list. You need to free the memory for the item yourself.

Function-like macros


#define LinkList_FirstItem(x) ((void *)(x)->next)

MACRO: void *LinkList_FirstItem(linklist_header *anchor);

This returns a pointer to the first item in the given list.


#define LinkList_LastItem(x) ((void *)(x)->previous)

MACRO: void *LinkList_LastItem(linklist_header *anchor);

This returns a pointer to the last item in the given list.


#define LinkList_Init(x)  \
  {                       \
    (x)->next = NULL;     \
    (x)->previous = NULL; \

MACRO: void LinkList_Init(linklist_header *anchor);

This initialises a list anchor, and should be called before the anchor is used. It sets both pointers to NULL to indicate the list is empty.


#define LinkList_InitItem(x) \
  {                          \
    (x)->next = NULL;        \
    (x)->previous = NULL;    \

MACRO: void LinkList_InitItem(linklist_header *anchor);

This initialises a list item, and should be used if you do not immediately add the item to a list. This removes any ambiguity about the item's status - it is clearly not in a linked list.


#define LinkList_NextItem(x) ((void *) ((linklist_header *)(x))->next)

MACRO: void *LinkList_NextItem(void *item);

This returns the item in the list after the given item. If there is no next item, it returns NULL.


#define LinkList_PreviousItem(x) ((void *) ((linklist_header *)(x))->previous)

MACRO: void *LinkList_PreviousItem(void *item);

This returns the item in the list before the given item. If there is no previous item, it returns NULL.


struct linklist_header


typedef struct linklist_header
struct linklist_header *next;
struct linklist_header *previous;

} linklist_header;