DeskLib 2.90a:Pane2.h


Introduction and Overview

This aims to be a more flexible pane-handling library than that supplied by Pane, allowing multiple panes attached to one window, and allowing more options as to how the positions and sizes of the panes are calculated relative to the main window.



BOOL Pane2_AddMain(window_handle mainwindow);

This intitialises 'mainwindow' with the library as a main window that can have panes attached to it.


window_handle Pane2_CreateAndAddMain(const char *windowname, int maxtitlesize);

This creates the given window is the same manner as Window_Create, and initialises it with the Pane2 library so that it can have panes attached to it.

The window handle is returned, or zero if the window could not be created for some reason.


BOOL Pane2_AddPane(window_handle mainwindow, window_handle panewindow, wimp_point *paneoffset, wimp_point *panesize, int flags);

Adds the pane window 'panewindow' to the main window 'mainwindow'. If 'paneoffset' is not NULL then this is taken as the offset between the pane and the main window instead of the positions in the template. If 'panesize' is not NULL then this is taken as the size of the pane instead of the size in the template.

It returns FALSE if it fails for some reason, TRUE otherwise.


window_handle Pane2_CreateAndAddPane(const char *windowname, int maxtitlesize, window_handle mainwindow, wimp_point *paneoffset, wimp_point *panesize, int flags);

This creates the pane window (as it would be done by Window_Create), and adds it as a pane to the main window 'mainwindow'. If 'paneoffset' is not NULL then this is taken as the offset between the pane and the main window instead of the positions in the template. If 'panesize' is not NULL then this is taken as the size of the pane instead of the size in the template.

It returns the window handle of the created pane, or NULL if it cannot create it for some reason.


void Pane2_Show(window_handle mainwindow, window_openpos openpos);

This opens the main window 'mainwindow' and all its attached pane windows according to the position given by openpos.


void Pane2_Hide(window_handle mainwindow);

This hides (closes) the given 'mainwindow' and all associated panes.


void Pane2_Delete(window_handle mainwindow);

This hides (closes) and deletes the given 'mainwindow' and all associated panes. Before deleting, it releases all events claimed with Event_Claim for the windows.


void Pane2_ReadIcon(window_handle window, icon_handle icon, const char *panewindow, wimp_point *paneoffset, wimp_point *panesize);

This calculates the pane offset and size so that the pane will be in the same position and size as the given icon in the given window, and fills in 'paneoffset' and 'panewindow' with the appropriate values. You need to use the pane2_MAINTOP and pane2_PANETOP flags when you attach the pane to the window for these values to work.

If 'panewindow' is the name of the pane window in the template file then the presence of scroll bars or window titles is taken into account. If it is NULL no such calculation is used. Note that for this purpose the scrollbars and the titlebar are assumed to be 40 OS units wide (or high, depending).


int Pane2_SetFlags(window_handle mainwindow, int panenumber, int flags);

This sets the flags of the 'panenumber'th pane attached to the given window to the given value. Pane numbers start from 1. If the pane number is invalid, no action is taken and NULL is returned, otherwise the new value of the flags is returned.


window_handle Pane2_GetPaneHandle(window_handle mainwindow, int panenumber);

This returns the window handle of the 'panenumber'th pane attached to the given window 'main', or zero if the pane number is invalid. Pane numbers start at 1.


window_handle Pane2_GetMainHandle(window_handle panewindow);

This returns the window handle of the main window to which the given pane is attached, or zero if it could not be found.


int Pane2_GetPaneNumber(window_handle mainwindow, window_handle panewindow);

This returns the pane number of 'panewindow' attached to 'mainwindow', or zero if the pane was not found. This number can be used with some of the other Pane2 functions to identify the pane.


void Pane2_DeletePane(window_handle mainwindow, int panenumber);

This hides and deletes the 'panenumber'th pane attached to the window 'mainwindow'. Before deleting, it releases all events claimed with Event_Claim for the window.


BOOL Pane2_OpenWindow(window_handle mainwindow, window_openblock *openblock);

This opens the main window and all its panes as if it was sent an openwindow request. If 'openblock' is NULL then the current state of the main window is used instead. Supplying an openblock allows the main window to be changed and the panes to be altered to match. This can be used to make a pane window appear that has been added to an open mainwindow.


BOOL Pane2_ReadVars(window_handle mainwindow, int panenumber, wimp_point *paneoffset, wimp_point *panesize);

This read and fills in 'paneoffset' and 'panesize' for the 'panenumber'th pane attached to 'mainwindow'. If you pass NULL for either of these they will not be filled. This function returns TRUE for sucess, and FALSE if the position could not be read, for instance because of an invalid panenumber.


BOOL Pane2_SetVars(window_handle mainwindow, int panenumber, wimp_point *paneoffset, wimp_point *panesize);

This sets the paneoffset and panesize for the given pane attached to the given window. The value is only set if 'paneoffset' or 'panesize' is non-NULL, respectively. This function returns TRUE for sucess, and FALSE if the position could not be read, for instance because of an invalid panenumber.

After changing the variables, Pane2_OpenWindow must be used to make the windows on screen exhibit the changes.



#define pane2_PANETOP   0x0001

This means that the pane is "attached" to the main window using the top left of the pane window rather than the bottom left corner, which is the default.


#define pane2_MAINTOP   0x0002

This means that the pane moves relative to the top of the main window rather than the bottom corner, which is the default.


#define pane2_FIXED     0x0004

This forces the offset between the pane and the main windows to be constant, the pane is not allowed to move relative. With it off you get ArtWorks style pane windows.


#define pane2_HRESIZE   0x0008

This makes the right hand side of the pane be clipped the right hand sie of the main window if the main window is smaller than the pane.


#define pane2_HSTRETCH  0x0010

When used in conjunction with pane2_HRESIZE this makes the right hand side of the pane always follow the right hand side of the main window.


#define pane2_VRESIZE   0x0020

This makes the pane be clipped to the height of the main window if the main window is smaller than the pane.


#define pane2_VSTRETCH  0x0040

When used in conjunction with pane2_VRESIZE this makes the pane stretch to the vertical size of the window.


#define pane2_HSCROLL   0x0080

This makes the pane scroll with the main window in the horizontal direction.


#define pane2_VSCROLL   0x0100

This makes the pane scroll with the main window in the vertical direction.


#define pane2_MAINRIGHT 0x0200

This makes the pane move relative to the right of the main window rather than the left.



typedef union
int value;
unsigned int panetop : 1;
unsigned int maintop : 1;
unsigned int fixed : 1;
unsigned int hresize : 1;
unsigned int hstretch : 1;
unsigned int vresize : 1;
unsigned int vstretch : 1;
unsigned int hscroll : 1;
unsigned int vscroll : 1;
unsigned int mainright : 1;
unsigned int dummy : 22;

} data;

} pane2_flags;