DeskLib 2.90a:PCI.h


Introduction and Overview

Warning: This API has not yet been implemented. Do not use.

These declarations are essentially just wrappers for the PCI SWIs. In time, we might add more complex functionality.

The PCI Manager allocates IDs for each PCI device in the computer. You can find the maximum ID with PCI_ReturnNumber, and use values up to and including that for functions taking handles.



void PCI_ReadID(pci_handle handle, unsigned int *ID, unsigned int *subID);

Return PCI IDs for a given device.

If ID is non-NULL, then bits 0-15 are set to vendor ID and bits 16-31 to device ID.

If subID is non-NULL, then bits 0-15 are set to subsystem vendor ID and bits 16-31 to subsystem ID.


void PCI_ReadHeader(pci_handle handle, void *buffer, unsigned int buflen);

Read buflen bytes from the PCI header into the given buffer. buflen must be 4-256 and a multiple of 4.


pci_handle PCI_ReturnNumber(void );

Return number of allocated function handles. You can search from 1 to the result of this inclusive for PCI devices.


pci_handle PCI_EnumerateFuntions(pci_handle handle, unsigned int *ID, unsigned int *subID, unsigned int *classcode);

Similar to PCI_ReadID, but allows enumeration. Use 0 for the first value, then the value returned for succesive calls.


unsigned int PCI_IORead(unsigned int address, unsigned int size);

Read and write PCI I/O space. The address passed can be found with PCI_HardwareAddress. The size parameter is either 1, 2 or 4, indicating 8, 16 or 32-bit access.


void PCI_IOWrite(unsigned int address, unsigned int vaulue, unsigned int size);


void PCI_MemoryRead(unsigned int address, unsigned int length, void *buffer, unsigned int flags);

Read and write PCI Memory space. A buffer and length is passed for the access. The only available flag is for reads - bit 3 when set indicates it is prefetchable.


void PCI_MemoryWrite(unsigned int address, unsigned int length, void *buffer, unsigned int flags);


unsigned int PCI_ConfigurationRead(unsigned int address, unsigned int size, pci_handle handle);

Read and write PCI configuration space. The size parameter is either 1, 2 or 4, indicating 8, 16 or 32-bit access.


void PCI_ConfigurationRead(unsigned int address, unsigned int value, unsigned int size, pci_handle handle);


unsigned int PCI_HardwareAddress(pci_address *address, pci_handle handle);


unsigned int PCI_SpecialCycle(unsigned int bus, unsigned int message);


pci_handle PCI_FindByID(int vendor, int device, int subvendor, int subid);


pci_handle PCI_FindBuClass(pci_handle handle, unsigned int class_code, unsigned int mask);


void * PCI_RAMAlloca(size_t size, unsigned int alignment, unsigned int boundary, unsigned int *pci_address);


void PCI_RAMFree(void *address);


exetern void * PCI_LogicalAddress(pci_aflags flags, unsigned int pci_address, unsigned int length);



typedef unsigned int pci_handle;


typedef struct
int access : 4;
int bufferable : 1;
int cacheable : 1;
int policy : 3;
int access_sp : 1;
int unused : 20;
int memory : 1;
int query : 1;

} pci_aflags;


typedef struct
pci_aflags flags;
unsigned int index;
unsigned int flags;
unsigned int address;
unsigned int size;
void *laddress;

} pci_address;