DeskLib 2.90a:Pointer.h


Introduction and Overview

This header declares various routines for pointer handling, which at the moment consists of routines to restrict the pointer to certain areas of the screen, and removing that restriction.



os_error * Pointer_RestrictToWindow(window_handle window);

This restricts the pointer to the rectangle which is the window specified in 'window'. It returns NULL, or a pointer to any error which occurs.


os_error * Pointer_RestrictToIcon(window_handle win, icon_handle icon);

This restricts the pointer to the rectangle which is the bounding box of the icon 'icon' in the window 'win'. It returns NULL, or a pointer to any error which occurs.


os_error * Pointer_RestrictToRect(wimp_rect rect);

This restricts the pointer to the screen rectangle which is given in 'rect'. It returns NULL, or a pointer to any error which occurs.


os_error * Pointer_Unrestrict(void );

This removes any restriction on the pointer.