DeskLib 2.90a:Print.h


Introduction and Overview

This header defines one function and a number of types to handle the Wimp printing protocol messages automatically, calling various functions specified by you to output the data, or report the end of the printing process.



BOOL Print_StartPrint(print_printfn printfn, print_savefn savefn, print_resultfn resultfn, void *reference, int filetype, int estsize, const char *leafname, const char *jobtitle);

You call this function to start a printout, specifying handlers to print, save the printout to file in a form that can be printed later, and to receive the result of the attempt to print. This function then handles the wimp messages prior to printing, and calls your handlers as appropriate.

If you either cannot print or save to file you can pass NULL instead of one of the handler functions. You must supply a result function, however, as this is your only way of determining the result of the print.

The save function will be called if the print is queued or if you don't specify a print function. In this case the printer driver will print the saved file itself if it can handle it directly (eg. text), or else broadcast a message_PRINTTYPEODD if it can't. You should have an event handler to receive the message if the resultfn tells you the file has been queued to print later, and it is not in a directly-printable format.

The 'jobtitle' is used to give a identifiable name to the print job, and *is not copied*. This string must continue to exist until the print job has finished. If you choose not to have a job title, you can pass NULL instead.

The 'reference' is simply passed to all of your handler functions, and can be any value helpful to you.

The 'filetype', 'estsize' and 'leafname' are all used to save the file if the print data needs to be saved.

This function returns NOERROR if the printing protocol was started OK and ERROR otherwise.


struct print_block


typedef struct print_block
void *reference;
const char *jobtitle;
printer_info printerinfo;
print_job job;
print_job oldjob;

} print_block;

A pointer to a block of this type is passed to your various print handler functions, so that you have information about the print job.

The reference is whatever you set with Print_StartPrint, as is the job title. The 'printerinfo' is supplied so that you can adapt your printout to the capabilities of the printer (where appropriate). 'job' is the current job handle and 'oldjob' the previous job (if there was one).


typedef enum
print_result_OK = 0,
} print_results;

These are the various non-os_error return values you can be passed in your printing result handler.

"OK" and "QUEUED" both indicate successful completion of the printing, either directly or to the queue. All the other return values mean some sort of failure.

"NEEDPRINTERMANAGER" means that the printer driver is not running and so you can't print. "PRINTERROR" means that we received an error during printing, "SAVEFAILED" means that the save function returned ERROR and "CANTSAVE" means that there is no save function specified and !Printers is busy. "CANTOPENPRINTER" means that File_Open("Printer:") failed, and "FAILED" is used for all other problems which may occur.


typedef int print_result;

This type is passed to the result function to report the outcome of the attempt to print.

If it is greater than 255 it is a pointer to a standard OS error block (an os_error *), otherwise it is one of the print_results values.


typedef BOOL (*print_printfn)(print_block *print);

A function of this type is called to do the actual printing after the wimp messaging has finished. The print_block is supplied to give you any information you might need to carry out the printing.

You should return ERROR if there is a problem while printing, or NOERROR if you conclude the print successfully.


typedef BOOL (*print_savefn)(print_block *print, message_datasaveack *datasaveack);

A function of this type is called to save the printout to file in a form suitable for printing later, for instance if the job is queued.

The print_block is passed to give you any information you might need to help you save the printout to file. The message_datasaveack is supplied to give you all the information such as filetype, the full filename to save it to, and so on.

You only need to save the data and return NOERROR if successful, the Print library will take care of any other messages which need to be sent. If for some reason you cannot save the file, you should return ERROR.


typedef void (*print_resultfn)(print_block *print, print_result result);

A function of this type is called when the printing has finished, whether successfully or not.

The print_block is supplied to give you any identifying information you might need about the print job, and the print_result gives the result of the printing process. If 'result' is greater than 255 it is a pointer to a standard Wimp error block (an os_error *), otherwise it is one of the print_results enumerated values.